Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Colloquia this Friday

Looking for a talk (or talks!) to attend this Friday, April 3? Here are some options:

Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics talk
1:30 p.m. Friday, Wells Library 001
"Facing the flood of information in the supermarket: Helping shoppers make better choices"
Peter Todd, Indiana University

Informatics Colloquium
3 p.m., Informatics East 130 (New addition)
"From cellular networks to population disease patterns: A systems approach"
Natali Gulbahce, Havard School of Medicine/Northwestern University

Social Psychology Seminar
3:30 p.m., PY 128
"Image bite politics: News and the visual framing of elections"
Betsi Grabe, Indiana University

Animal Behavior Colloquium
4 p.m., Myers Hall 130
"Getting caught in peculiar positions: Variation in the mechanisms of monogamy"
Steven Phelps, University of Florida

For more upcoming events, visit